Family Reunion is available on Amazon NOW!  Thank you all so much for making the launch such a tremendous success!

The short story which is started the book was originally published by John O’Brien in Untold Stories.  John allowed me to expand on In For A Dollar In For A Dime to make the full length novel Family Reunion.

In For a Dollar In For a Dime is available for free download on Amazon and most other digital download sites.

Family Reunion is available in Kindle format, audiobook, and Paperback

Come visit my blog every so often, I will be profiling several key characters here for you to meet. Also, adding google maps of the different group’s travel.

FREE!! You can find my short story In For A Dollar In For A Dime on (click link) Smashwords



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This article has 8 comments

  1. Great read! I grew up in Burien, and my folks lived in Anacortes for years after retiring so I was familiar with the landmarks.

    I am into post-A books, and thought your story of how it might happen was very realistic. Your book kept me engrossed and I had to finish it in one sitting! Look forward to the sequel. (You are working on that, right? 🙂

    I also think this would make a great movie. Good job!

    • Thank you Kelly. This is promotion season for me. I have many irons in the fire so I have less time to write. I’m hoping to get back into the swing of things in November and then it is up to the book as to when it is finished. Well, not entirely, but you know what I mean. Mark

  2. Easy and great read – I read it in 3 days! The book kept my interest and at times felt very realistic…especially all that’s going on in the world today. Interesting the thoughts you had before COVID-19 actually came about. The one thing I did have to do was write down all the characters so I could reference them as I was reading. I’ve passed the book onto my husband to read.


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