family reunion


Well I have been sick for about a week and I haven’t added any more bio’s for awhile. So here is a new one to start off this week. Parker is the oldest boy in the Brant family and yet he is fifth from the top in order of birth. He was his fathers favorite […]

Ryan’s Route

Here is a start on Ryan’s travels. Before he meets anyone. Click on Map1a & Map1b. Then Map2. Then Map3. This one was a little more challenging. See what you think. We will pick up his travels with Max and Lisa a little later.

Family Reunion book 1

Family Reunion is available on Amazon NOW!  Thank you all so much for making the launch such a tremendous success! The short story which is started the book was originally published by John O’Brien in Untold Stories.  John allowed me to expand on In For A Dollar In For A Dime to make the full length […]

Ryan Brant

Ryan is our main character. He is a six foot two inches tall, 54 years old,  and overweight. He is a computer engineer that is nostalgic for years gone by. He is the youngest of seven kids and is married with two grown children. He is a little paranoid about the government and has recently begun […]