Coach Gibbs prior to the race that his driver would win!

Coach Gibbs prior to the race that his driver would win!


Solon taking a bite outta the Dude Zombie


All Zombied UP!


Inside Jimmy Johnson’s ride


Outside of Jimmy’s ride


Like a Boss!


Rocking Homestead!


Me and the Crew


Raceday Inspection


The Zombies


The Boss Mr. H


Redneck Zombie, my bud Dana S.


John Russo: “cut… Cut… CUT!!! Dammit, When I say CUT you CUT!” Dana: “I CAN’T HEAR SHE’S SCREAMIN IN MY EAR!” Rest of Cast and Crew: Laughing uncontrollably!


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The Dude Zombie from “My Uncle John is a Zombie”

Hanging out in Xfinity Pits

Hanging out in Xfinity Pits

Jay is waiting...

Jay is waiting…

Rutledge hanging out with your's truly.

Rutledge hanging out with your’s truly.

Don "The Snake" Prudhomme came to the track to help Jeff celebrate his final race.

Don “The Snake” Prudhomme came to the track to help Jeff celebrate his final race.


My favorite picture of the weekend. Hanging with George and the rest of Jeff’s crew.

Alan stopped for a minute on his way the the garage.

Alan stopped for a minute on his way the the garage.

Chad was gracious enough to let us have a second photo after the cameraman botched the first try

Chad was gracious enough to let us have a second photo after the cameraman botched the first try

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